Meristem Design

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Meristem's Ealing On Street Parklets Go Live

Meristem designed, supplied and installed 3 Parklets across the borough of Ealing.

The 3 Parklets are modular and can easily be moved to different locations using a pallet truck. 


1) Kirchin Road, W13 0SR

2) Leeland Road, W13 9HH

3) Victoria Road, W3 6UL

The planting design of drought tolerant, evergreen herbaceous mix allows for all year round interest with different flowering cycles throughout the seasons. We combined 3 large trees, shrubs, climbers and small flowering plants as well as bulbs.

These 5m by 2m Parklets have a number of wooden benches and 6 bike parking spaces and are designed to encourage cycling, improve air quality, increase biodiversity and make the street greener for residents, shoppers and businesses.

Please contact us for further information