Meristem Design

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Another Transport for London Station Goes Green

Euston Square Station is the latest space to have planters and greenery installed by Meristem Design. Before you head down the stairs to the Euston underground station, you may notice there is now colourful planters and greenery, wrapped around the entrance. Meristem worked closely with City Scapes who are delivering Euston BID’s Low Emission Neighbourhood project, part of the Mayor of London’s drive to improve urban landscapes and bring more greenery to the City. 

We think the planters and greenery help brighten up Euston Square Station, creating a sense of calm for those heading to the busy underground atmosphere. This is the third installation as part of this project with the first being the 5 story custom made steel wall planters with trellis system on the side of Chutneys restaurant and the colourful planters on the North Gower St passage just around the corner.

Meristem have worked with TfL on a similar greening projects such as Archway Tube Station in Islington, we look forward to working on more stations in the future. 

If you know of a station that needs greening then contact us today.