Meristem Design

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Waltham Forest’s first batch of interactive Parklets have arrived

Waltham Forest became the latest London borough to welcome our ever growing family of on-street Parklets. 

The first Parklet on Station Road, close to St James Street, was designed to provide for  members of the community with brightly coloured planters.

Located outside businesses, they provide facilities for their customers and local residents, with stools and tables as well as a child friendly area with child seating, areas for pushchairs, artificial grass.  The Parklets also contain a variety of games and a blackboard for children to draw on with games that can loaned for free from the adjoining businesses.

The second Parklet on Winchelsea Road outside the Wanstead Tap a craft beer shop recently voted the best cultural venue in Waltham Forest

The local council aimed to bring the area to life with the same theme of brightly coloured planters housing a variety of different shrubs, flowers and trees. 

The feedback so far has been very positive and we’re hoping that it can help to provide a focal point for the local communities as well as giving local businesses a welcome boost.

The next round of Parklets in the borough will contain solar power for charging mobile phones, lighting and rainwater capture.

If you would like more information on our Parklets please contact us.