Meristem Design

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Meristem roll out more free Connecting Children with Nature Workshops 

At Elmwood Infant School, 26 students participated in a children with nature workshop. The kids learnt about the importance of plants, from bees pollinating plants to the food we eat at home. They got their hands dirty planting an array of herbs, including sage, mint, rosemary, thyme, parsley and lavender. The workshop was designed to help develop children's senses through touch and smell. 

The workshop was just one part of Meristem’s project at Elmwood Infant School. Additionally, ivy green screens were installed along the front fence of the school. The green screens, back onto Lodge Road in Croydon, helping to create a ‘pollution barrier’ from the idling cars at peak drop off and pick up times. 

The project was funded by Croydon Council, with Councillor Muhammad Ali who is the Deputy Cabinet Member Environment, Transport & Urban Regeneration and Ben Kennedy, Strategic Transport Manager, attending the event. Further green screens were added to the neighbouring school, Elmwood Junior School. 

The ivy screens were also put in timber planters, so the children had the opportunity to plant a range of pollinator friendly seeds, perfect for Spring. In a month's time, the school should see a splash of colour along the front fenceline, with a mixture of marigolds, sunflowers, daisy’s, pansy’s, cornflower, cosmos, rudbeckia and lavender. 

The Head Teacher Zoe Harris and Deputy Head Teacher, Esther Payne were extremely pleased with the installation and workshop, saying ‘the children really enjoyed themselves and we love our new green screens.’ 

If you are wanting ivy screens or nature workshops at your child’s school, get in contact!