Meristem Design

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Meristem Take Their Free Interactive Workshops Online, to Accommodate COVID-19

Before the outbreak of COVID 19 Meristem had a full diary of Lunchtime Workshops booked in with some of London’s biggest architectural practices.  Now that working from home is the new norm we have adapted the presentation to an online format.

Topics covered include: 

  • Living walls

  • Green Roofs

  • Pocket Parks & On-Street Parklets

  • Pre-Grown Green Screens to act as pollution barriers on residential developments and on hoardings during construction

  • Greening up urban town centres

  • Temporary greening for events

These CPD style workshops consist of a 45 minute informational session. 

The workshops are customisable and are not just limited to architects, they are also suitable for property developers, managing agents, local authorities and large landowners.  

Additionally, the topic of Biophilia will be discussed within the workshop. Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn, that better connect us with nature. For example, offices designed with biophilia in mind can increase productivity by 8%, rates of well-being can go up by 13%, and increases in creativity can occur.

If you are interested in booking in a green infrastructure session for your team contact us today