Meristem Design

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Drury Lane School Parklet

On Wednesday 23rd of February 2022, Meristem Design was delighted to attend the launch event of the Drury Lane - St Clement Danes Church of England CE Primary School Parklet with the partners of the project, school children and teachers. Local Councillors Mark Shearer and Louise Hyams as well as representatives from Northbank BID, the Cross River Partnership and St Clement Danes Church also attended. Situated just a 6-minute walk from the iconic Covent Garden with its green wall[1] and other urban greening features, the Parklet on Drury Lane is the first school Parklet in London and the UK.

Across London and the UK schools many suffer from several issues, notably poor air quality because of idling cars, illegally parked cars, noise pollution levels and safety issues when parents pick up children at the end of the day. All these problems/issues particularly affect school children’s health. The Parklet provides much-needed greenery to the street, seating for school children and parents as well as helping connect the school children to nature and nature education. The vibrant green school Parklet is a way to take back space from cars, improve air quality, educate children, provide seating amongst nature, and improve the overall street for people.   

Speaking at the launch event, Cllr Mark Shearer said:

“I’m so pleased to launch this amazing new Parklet outside St Clement Danes school, here in the heart of the West End.

This is all part of Westminster City Council’s plan to create greener and safer environments around our schools for the benefit of children and parents.”

If you are interested in finding more about our Parklets for schools, please get in touch with us and take a look at our Parklets page.
