Meristem Design

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Bath Sensory Garden: A splash of colour for Twerton!

Meristem Design has recently completed another project in the Bath area. This time, the installations were focused in Tweton, a smaller, residential area just outside of Bath City Centre. 

The contract was to deliver a number of items of street furniture to brighten the High Street. We installed our custom made circular and semi-circular planters which are installed around the base of existing trees or lamp columns in the streetscape. The purpose of these planters is to green up the base of trees without inhibiting their ability to flourish and to brighten up spaces where floor space is otherwise tight or occupied. A common colour scheme was used as a way of wayfinding to help visitors to the High Street navigate their way through. 

We also installed Planters with graphics on to support the parking of both regular and cargo bikes for visitors to the area. These planters were planted up by a local community group that engaged in the project from the beginning and will look after and maintain the plants and planters going forward.

A sensory garden was installed next to Rose Cottage Hub which provides the community with a centre, garden, cafe and they also act as a local Foodbank distribution centre. 

The planters were made from oak sleepers and are designed to take users through a sensory journey. A footpath through the planters, which leads on from the zebra crossing is delineated with powder coated steel strips. There is also an incorporated bench seat, which allows members of the public to perch on the edge of the planter and enjoy the fragrance and rest.

Members of the public will be greeted by a range of smells including jasmine, and herbs such as; mint, thyme, sage, rosemary and many more. Nassella tenuissima and other tall grasses are installed which dance in the wind providing a sensory experience. Bulbs were also planted which will erupt with a burst of colour in spring. 

We were delighted to be joined by members of the community to plant up our newly installed sensory garden. The session, led by Meristem with the support of Bath and North East Somerset Council lasted around an hour and gave interested local residents the opportunity to engage in the project and learn about some basic horticulture techniques. The day, organised by the council also included a local nature walk and a range of other outdoor based activities.

We look forward to the plants establishing and blooming as we head into spring. Keep your eyes peeled for more green infrastructure landing in the area very soon.