Golders Green Planters - Transforming Spaces with Biophilic Design


At the beginning of June, Meristem had the opportunity to work with Barnet Council on the design and installation of bespoke wooden planters and seating to introduce a new meeting and dwell space for Golders Green Town Centre. In 2020, Barnet Council adopted the Golders Green Town Centre Strategy.

The strategy was developed through public consultation and engagement with the community to identify ways to make improvements to Golders Green. One of the priorities identified by the community was the creation of a greener public space at the entrance to Golders Green Crescent. The new square is initially a pilot scheme. The planters and seating will allow the council to test the creation of a community space in the heart of the town centre, encouraging people to spend more time in Golders Green.  

The bespoke wooden planters and seating provided an inviting atmosphere for people to gather, relax, and enjoy the natural surroundings.

Barnet Council, in partnership with the Golders Green Town Team and other local community groups and organisations will promote and encourage the use of the space with a series of events and activations across the summer months and beyond. The launch event, held this June, was an interactive family art and seed bombing workshop, inspired by the local ecology and environment.

One of the key criteria for plant selection was climate resilience, ensuring that the chosen species could thrive in Golders Green's local climate conditions. By carefully considering the ecological value and climate adaptability of the plants, the project aimed to create a sustainable and resilient green space. A wide variety of plant species were carefully chosen to populate the planters, offering a range of benefits to both the environment and the community.

The selection included several flowering species specifically chosen to attract and support pollinators, contributing to the overall biodiversity of the area. Native hedging plants, such as Crataegus monogyna and Corylus avellana, were incorporated to provide habitat and food sources for local wildlife. Edible species were also included to encourage community engagement and interaction, allowing residents to connect with nature on a more personal level.

At Meristem, we are proud to have contributed to this amazing project and are excited to see how it will benefit the residents and businesses in Golders Green.  

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is biophilic design, and how does it benefit urban spaces?

    Biophilic design refers to an innovative approach that incorporates elements of nature into urban environments, promoting human connection with the natural world. By integrating plants and greenery into public spaces, biophilic design fosters a sense of calm, improved well-being, and increased productivity. Golders Green Planters exemplified the essence of biophilic design, focusing on climate-resilient plant selection and creating a sustainable green space.

  2. How were plant species selected for Golders Green Planters?

    A critical aspect of the Golders Green Planters project was to carefully select plant species that could thrive in Golders Green's unique local climate conditions. By choosing climate-resilient plants, we ensured that the green space would flourish throughout the year, requiring minimal maintenance. This climate-conscious approach aimed to create a sustainable and vibrant area that remains attractive even during challenging weather conditions. The selection also aimed to enhance biodiversity, attract pollinators, and support local wildlife.

  3. What role did Meristem Design play in the project?

    Meristem Design collaborated with Barnet Council to design and install bespoke wooden planters and seating, transforming Golders Green Town Centre into a vibrant and sustainable community space.

  4. How does urban greening contribute to sustainability?

    Urban greening, as seen in Golders Green Planters, contributes to sustainability by promoting biodiversity, reducing urban heat island effects, improving air quality, and fostering a sense of community pride and responsibility.

  5. What is the significance of the pilot scheme for Golders Green Planters?

    The pilot scheme allows Barnet Council to test the effectiveness and community response to the green space. The feedback gathered will inform future projects and ensure the ongoing success of urban greening initiatives.


Golders Green Planters stands as a testament to the transformative power of biophilic design and urban greening. By carefully selecting climate-resilient plant species, fostering biodiversity, and encouraging community engagement, the project has created a sustainable and vibrant public space. Meristem Design's collaboration with Barnet Council has revitalised Golders Green Town Centre, providing residents with a greener, more inviting environment to enjoy for years to come.

Our projects exemplify the potential of nature-based solutions in transforming cityscapes.

Green Infrastructure: Creating Sustainable and Resilient Urban Environments

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