Meristem Planters and Parklets used in Hackney and Islington's Low Emission Neighbourhood as seen here in the Evening Standard

Hackney and Islington Council are banning petrol and diesel cars on nine roads Hackney Council

Hackney and Islington Council are banning petrol and diesel cars on nine roads Hackney Council

We are very pleased to read that the petrol and diesel car ban is going ahead and to see our planters being featured in the Evening Standard once again.

After a consultation last month, Islington and Hackney Council signed off plans this week to ban petrol and diesel cars during peak hours in parts of east London. The scheme, which is part of the ‘Low Emission Neighbourhood’ (LEN) project, has been given the go ahead for July 2018.  

Fines of up to £130 will be given to motorists who are caught disobeying the new ban.

'The scheme will see all but the cleanest cars banned from nine streets between the hours of 7am and 10am and 4pm and 7pm.'

Pedestrians and cyclists will have access to the zones during these peak times, in addition to ultra-low emission vehicles (electric cars, e-bikes, the newest hybrids and hydrogen vehicles).

These streets will be easier and safer to walk and cycle, with reduced levels of air and noise pollution.

According to Hackney Council their ultimate goal is to reclaim the streets from polluting motor vehicles. Improving the character of the area for the local residents and businesses. 

Great steps in making London greener!

You can read the full Evening Standard article here.

Contact us for more information on our on street planting.