Hammersmith A4 'Fly-Under' receives a Green Makeover to help Combat Air Pollution

There are few urban environments where the air quality is poorer than under a city flyover and the Hammersmith flyover is no exception.  The solution: 100m of Living Green Screens to act as a natural barrier between the pedestrians and the constant 4 lanes of traffic on the Hammersmith roundabout.

A recent study by Defra and the GLA shows that the use of Green Screens successfully reduced air pollution by “up to 36% and 41% for NO2 and PM10, respectively”. Click here to read the full report and the impact of Green Screens.

The 1m high Hedera helix Woerner screens form a folded, natural curtain over the existing guard rail creating the first line of defence against harmful PM10 pollution particles for pedestrians and cyclists. The screens are in custom made wooden planters with a steel base allowing for manoeuvrability and repositioning with a pallet truck. A capillary action irrigation system was installed in each planter to ensure optimal growth. 

We also installed 11 large hardwood planters around the cycle lane with drought tolerant, shade loving plants to add an extra element of colour, form and foliage to an otherwise bland and grey urban space.

As well as helping to improve the air quality the green infrastructure also helps to brighten up a very dark grey urban area, turning the grey green as we say!

These works are part of Hammersmith BID's Business Low Emission Neighbourhood funded by the Mayor’s Office and delivered by Hammersmith and Fulham Council. 

Please contact us for more information!