Meristem Design Invited to Present at TfL's Liveable Neighbourhoods Conference

We were delighted to be asked to present to a packed out conference about engaging with business partners on our Parklets and other Green infrastructure projects. As the market leader in this industry we demonstrated how the private sector can match fund new initiatives and provide funding for the ongoing maintenance.

The Liveable Neighbourhoods programme is a £114 million Transport for London (TfL) initiative aiming to improve the health and happiness of London’s residents. The aim is to create streets and places that encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport by reducing rat running, making junctions safer, implementing new walking and cycling infrastructure, creating pocket parks and revamping public spaces. Initially starting in 18 London boroughs, the plan is to expand to cover all of London in the next few years.

We were very pleased with the amount of interest we received from so many of the Liveable Neighbourhood attendees to turn the grey green in their local areas, using planting and our intelligent urban design to make London’s neighbourhoods more liveable.

If you would like a copy of our presentation then please contact us.