Meristem Design helped to turn parking bays into a green oasis in Ashford Town centre

Meristem Design helped to turn parking bays into a green oasis in Ashford Town centre

Following successful schemes in Kent, Meristem Design were appointed by Ashford Council to design and install a seating area to bring life to the town centre. This temporary pilot scheme delivers some interventions that link to key themes from the Town Centre Reset – integrated play, feature lighting, temporary public realm and outdoor seating. If successful this could lead to further, more permanent features in the future.

Drury Lane School Parklet

Drury Lane School Parklet

On Wednesday 23rd of February 2022, Meristem Design was delighted to attend the launch event of the Drury Lane - St Clement Danes Church of England CE Primary School Parklet with the partners of the project, school children and teachers. Local Councillors Mark Shearer and Louise Hyams as well as representatives from Northbank BID, the Cross River Partnership and St Clement Danes Church also attended. Situated just a 6-minute walk from the iconic Covent Garden with its green wall[1] and other urban greening features, the Parklet on Drury Lane is the first school Parklet in London and the UK.

Hospitality Parklets Rolled Out Across London

Hospitality Parklets Rolled Out Across London

With spring around the corner, what better way to encourage people back to our high-streets and to help boost businesses than by adding Hospitality Parklets. As we all know, the hospitality industry was hard hit by Covid 19, so we were instructed to design, build, and roll out a series of Hospitality Parklets to help the hospitality sector to encourage people to eat outside in a safe, secure seating area.

Brent Schools Go Green this Summer

Brent Schools Go Green this Summer

This has been a very busy summer for our team in Brent with over 1000 square metres of green screens, two nature gardens and a series of living herb walls. We also installed two nature gardens; converting grey tarmac spaces into green vibrant playgrounds full of trees, wildlife habitats, nature ponds, bee and butterfly friendly planting, climb through and over features and more. Other popular features include living and edible walls, sensory gardens, custom planters with seating, outdoor classrooms and connecting children with nature workshops.